Omaha Chiropractor – Emotional Inflammation

Inflammation is associated with just about every major health issue from pain to heart disease. What most people don’t know is your emotions can be a major contributor to inflammation. Learn more by clicking the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch this short video.

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Omaha Chiropractor – Chiropractic Care: A First-line Care for Pickleball Injury

With more than 36.5 million people playing pickleball the cost of injuries is close to $500 million a year. Just click the Red More Button in your email or the image below to watch the video on why Chiropractors are the first choice to treat pickleball injuries.

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Omaha Chiropractor – Chiropractic Care and Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy affects 40,000 people causing sudden weakness in the muscles on one side of the face and Chiropractic Care offers a non-invasive treatment option. Just click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website to learn more.

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