Omaha Chiropractor – Chiropractic Care Helps With the Management of Fibromyalgia

A study looked at how well chiropractic performed in reducing the intensity of pain, sleep disturbance, and fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. Watch this video now and find out by clicking the Red More Button in your email or the image below.

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Omaha Chiropractor – Traffic Fumes Impact on Brain Function

The evidence points to the fact that traffic fumes impacts your brain, but the question remains should you keep your windows open or closed when in a traffic situation? Watch this video now and find out by clicking the Red More Button in your email or the image below.

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Omaha Chiropractor – Depression, ligament instability and chronic pain

There is a direct relationship between chronic pain and depression, so it figures that if chiropractic eliminates chronic pain, it will also have a major effect on depression. Watch this video now. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below.

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Omaha Chiropractor – Chiropractic Care and Gastrointestinal Disorders

If you are one of those people that think the only way to improve gastrointestinal issues is to take something, then you need to watch this video to find out about the 21 studies that showed how effective chiropractic care is for digestion. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below.

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Omaha Chiropractor – Can Thin People Have Fat Liver?

People always think if someone is thin they are healthy and that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, there are a lot of people who are thin walking around with a dangerously fatty liver. Learn why! Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below and find out.

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