Hi, this is Dr. Christine Zorad your Omaha Nebraska Chiropractor. Pregnancy and birth can be stressful and traumatic for babies, you can learn more about this by visiting my page on Pregnancy Care. These stresses can cause imbalances in the system in the body that controls all function in the body, the Nervous System. In children these imbalances can manifest as crying, colic, ear infections and reflux to name a few. Chiropractic has an amazing success record with ear infections and these usually save the child the pain of tubes or recurrent doses of antibiotics. Older children benefit from chiropractic too. Kids have falls, stresses and play sports that can cause imbalances in the same functional system. If you want to make sure your children’s nervous systems is functioning 100%, call 402-210-8490 to make an appointment today to get them checked. I am certified with the ICPA, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, I look forward to working with you soon.