Want to know the best therapy for depression and anxiety? Look no further than exercise. Watch now and learn what 1,000 studies has shown about exercise versus medication. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
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Omaha Chiropractor – Post-chemotherapy Neurological Deficits Improved After Chiropractic Care
When people think of the adverse reactions to chemotherapy, rarely do they think of the neurological deficits. Watch now and learn just how extensive these deficits can be. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Nutrition and Mental Health Symptoms
Most people view mental disorders as a chemical problem. As a result the standard treatment is a prescription of some kind. What if you can also make chemical changes with your diet? Research is showing you can. Watch this video now and find out the association between food and psychiatric disorders. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Zero-calorie Sweetener Linked to Heart Attack and Stroke
There has always been lots of controversy about artificial sweeteners, and people due to their sugar addiction are always looking for the next “safe” sweetener that they believe will solve their weight issue. Monk-fruit seems to be the latest miracle sweetener. Watch this video now and learn why if using monk-fruit the only miracle is you staying alive. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Depression and Heart Disease in Young Adults
Not only is depression and poor mental health related to heart disease in young people, but also stroke and poor lifestyle habits. Watch this video now and learn the risk factors. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Oral Health Impacts Brain Health
There is more to neglecting your teeth and gums than just losing teeth, bleeding gums and bad breath. Poor oral hygiene is dangerous to your heart and brain. Watch this video now and find out what this study of 40,000 people revealed. Just click on the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Survey Shows Younger Americans Choose Chiropractic
If you had to guess, who is more likely to visit a chiropractor, Baby Boomers, Gen Zs, or Millennials? Watch this video now and find out. Just click on the Read More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Procrastination Linked to Poor Mental & Physical Health
Everyone thinks that procrastination just means you keep putting things off that you know you need to get done. But procrastination has major psychological implications that lead to poor health. Watch this video now and learn how procrastination can affect you and what you can do about it. Just click on the Read More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Reduce Wrinkles with a Healthy Diet
Wrinkles are a sign of aging and most people are willing to do anything to get rid of wrinkles. In fact, there are hundreds of ant-wrinkle creams on the market and most of those simply swell the tissues of the face so it appears there are less wrinkles. There is a much smarter way to keep that youthful appearance and have fewer wrinkles and that is with diet. Watch this video now and learn which foods increase wrinkles and which foods decrease wrinkles. Just click on the Read More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Omaha Chiropractor – Health Benefits From Daily Gratitude
Everyone talks about the value of daily gratitude but is there any proof that it really is beneficial? Well there is now! Watch this video now and learn just how beneficial daily gratitude can be. Just click on the Read More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.